While roof leaks are common even in the best roofs, they’re not a pleasure to deal with. If the damage to your roof is extensive (making it possibly life threatening) you should definitely ask a local roofer to do emergency repairs.
In most cases, however, roof damage is a simple leak or an area that looks like it has water damage. When this is the predicament in which you find yourself, it can take a bit longer to get the problem fixed, either because your roofer is booked full in advance or because you want to schedule for them to come at a time that suits you best. In the meantime, dealing with the leak can be a headache. Catching drops of water in a bucket might simply not be an option for you, this is often the case for commercial building owners, where having unexpected buckets standing on the floor to catch water leaking can cause people to trip.
Roof leaks can develop for a number of reasons, but for the most part, any roof leak can be traced back to either one of two main causes for the leaks:
That’s all there is to it! As long as you can avoid getting unexpected surprises through wear and tear on your roof and you hire professional roofing professionals, you’ll be able to prevent most roof leaks from even developing.
However, one last thing to look out for when you want to prevent roof leaks is to keep your roof’s draining system clean. Leaves and other debris can build up in your gutters, which could cause them to clog entirely. You can prevent water from damming up on your roof by cleaning out your gutters at least every fall, if not more often.
There’s no definite answer to how long you can leave a leaking roof before it causes damage. Many variables come in to play here, so it’s always best to play it safe and get your roof leak fixed as soon as possible.
A leaking roof can cause structural damage to your building that will eventually be much more costly to fix than the original leak, so fixing a leak as soon as your can is likely to save you money on extra repairs.
Leaving a roof leak will cause the water to spread, this will lead to water damage in other structures in your house. Some of the most common problems caused by roof leaks include:
The above mentioned are all problems you should look out for whenever you have a leak. While a bucket on the floor for catching drops is an annoyance, it could very well be the least of your problems.
If you can’t leave your roof leak, but you’re currently unable to call out a professional roofer, you don’t have to leave the issue to worsen. There are a couple of options for temporary repairs such as roofing cement, roofing tape or a tarp. Be sure to explore those options while you’re waiting for a professional roofer to come out.
Once you are ready to call out a roofing contractor, you can consider 1OAK Roofing for all your roofing problems. We repair, replace and maintain roofs throughout the Atlanta areas. We also operate all over Georgia. You can call us for all your emergency roof repairs this winter.
Typically houses with a lot of trees see a lot of problems in the fall and winter due to the leaves in the gutters and on the roof line backing up, once the rain comes it tends to Soak the shingles and plywood after time. We run into a lot problems with these areas and it will save you more in the long run.
Length x width = your home’s footprint
Keep in mind, square footage of a house does not equal the square footage of a roof.
The steepness and complexity will change the number you multiply the footprint by.
(footprint of your home) x (slope and complexity) = (square feet of roof area)
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